Industry News

Industry News: The International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) Canadian Chapter

I’m happy to be invited to participate in a focus group to further explore IAAP establishing a Canadian Chapter. This will be a regional extension of the IAAP, which focuses on promoting accessibility and inclusion in various industries across Canada. Here are some key aspects of the IAAP Canadian Chapter:

1. Mission and Objectives:

  • The IAAP Canadian Chapter aims to provide a platform for accessibility professionals in Canada to connect, collaborate, and share knowledge.
  • Its mission is to advance the accessibility profession through networking opportunities, professional development, certification programs, and advocacy.
  • It works to promote awareness of accessibility standards and best practices within Canadian organizations and institutions.

2. Activities and Programs:

  • Webinars and Workshops: The chapter organizes regular webinars and workshops on topics related to accessibility, including digital accessibility, workplace inclusion, and accessibility in education and public spaces.
  • Training and Certification: The IAAP Canadian Chapter offers training programs to help professionals prepare for IAAP certifications such as Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (CPACC) and Web Accessibility Specialist (WAS). These certifications are recognized globally and demonstrate a commitment to accessibility standards.
  • Networking Events: The chapter facilitates networking events that allow members to connect with peers, share experiences, and discuss challenges and solutions in the field of accessibility.
  • Advocacy and Awareness: The IAAP Canadian Chapter engages in advocacy efforts to promote accessibility legislation and policy improvements across Canada. It aims to raise awareness about the importance of accessibility and the benefits of inclusive design.

3. Collaboration with Other Organizations:

  • The chapter often collaborates with other accessibility and disability organizations within Canada, such as the Rick Hansen Foundation and the Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW).
  • It also works with government agencies and industry bodies to align efforts and promote the adoption of accessibility standards in various sectors.

4. Membership:

  • Membership in the IAAP Canadian Chapter is open to individuals and organizations interested in accessibility. This includes accessibility professionals, educators, consultants, and businesses that want to improve their accessibility practices.
  • Members have access to resources such as online courses, a global community of accessibility professionals, and discounts on IAAP events and certifications.

5. Recent Initiatives and Focus Areas:

  • Digital Accessibility: With the increasing shift towards digital platforms, the IAAP Canadian Chapter emphasizes the importance of making websites, apps, and digital content accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.
  • Employment Inclusion: Efforts are being made to promote workplace accessibility and inclusion, ensuring that organizations are equipped to support employees with disabilities and create inclusive work environments.
  • Public Awareness Campaigns: The chapter is involved in public awareness campaigns to educate businesses and the general public about the importance of accessibility and the economic and social benefits of an inclusive society.

The IAAP Canadian Chapter plays a vital role in driving the accessibility movement in Canada, providing resources, support, and a strong network for professionals dedicated to creating accessible and inclusive environments. I’m excited to see this unfold.